How to place an order (less than 1 mg)
To place an order, simply browse our catalog and add products to your cart. At checkout, choose one of your saved addresses for shipping or add a new one. Depending on the type of account (more detail here), you will be able to proceed with payment directly, checkout by PO or submit your shopping list for purchase through your administrator.
How to place a bulk order (more than 1 mg)
If you want to order more than 1 mg at a time, please fill out this form.
How to place an order via Purchase Order (PO)
If you are using a purchase order to complete your order, you will receive a link to your invoice portal via email. There you will be able to see all your open and paid invoices, as well as export them as pdf or csv files.
To make a payment, click on the invoice to view more details, and then click on the “Pay” button. You will be redirected to the checkout portal where you will be able to make a payment via any of our accepted forms of payment.
Please note that accounts require prior approval to checkout via PO. (See Admin Buyer Account).
All invoices are Net 30.
US Sales Tax Exemption
If you are tax exempt, please submit your tax exemption certificate filling this form.
International Orders
Please refer to the VAT and Customs page regarding the information needed to fulfill your order.